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The lily of Peru or Alstromerria.

The alstromeria could be liked to a small lily and its use in bouquets and flower arrangements is extensive.

Their flowering period begins from late spring or early summer. It is available in several colors, including orange, pink, purple, red, yellow, white and salmon.

There are more than 190 intersections of alstromeries in different colors - such as gold, lilac and peach - and features.


Its flowers are not fragrant and their lifetime in the vase is about 2 weeks. Interestingly, if these plants become too hot, they stop producing flowers.

In 1753, the Swedish baron Claus von Alstroemer discovered a flower on a trip to Spain. This flower was imported into Spain, with a galley, from South America along with plenty of gold, cotton, corn, beans and peppers. It was the lily of Peru or the Incas, as they called it. Alstroemer gathered his seeds, cultivated them and spread it all over Europe, which became known by his name: Alstromeria!
A subcategory of what is often called the Peruvian lily or the Inca lily is of American origin and is found in about fifty different varieties that thrive in the cold, Andean mountain regions.
To promote these small lilies from Peru, they also created a graceful "story". They said it symbolized devotion and friendship! It is also a symbol of wealth, fortune and prosperity!

They have another "charisma", which I obviously did not know! Although they are outdoor plants, their flowers are kept for many days fresh in the vase!

If you love flowers but have heard that plants and pets do not "fit", do not be afraid. You can decorate beautiful vases with specific flowers that if swallowed will not cause such harm to your four-legged friends. From the safe flowers for dogs and cats is the alstromeria.

From astrological point of view, Alstromeria fits in Gems. A flower with very delicate flowers in a delicate shape. It astrologically symbolizes dedication and ultimate pleasure.

Visit Cosmoflora.gr's website for suggestions and flowers for all the moments you want to frame. Cosmoflora has the honor to have Flower Shops and will cover you all over Greece with the Florist Network. We also send flowers to 165 Overseas Countries on the same day.


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